Apple steals £20 from the British and Eur 38 from the Irish

Steve Jobs says “And everyone gets the ‘Ultimate’ version for just $129″. However not quite everyone will get OS X 10.5 for $129. The price in the UK for OS X 10.5 will be £85 and in the Republic of Ireland it will cost 129 Euros. These higher prices mean Apple gets and extra £20 […]

Romania Minister Faces Corruption Investigation

International Transparency International’s corruption perception index, despite some progress made since 2004, Romania remains the most corrupt country in the EU. Prosecutors asked Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday to authorize a criminal investigation against Agriculture Minister Decebal Traian Remes for alleged more | digg story

New Flash Player 9 Beta For Linux Is Out!

This release codenamed “Moviestar,” includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux versions of Flash Player 9. Hopefully it will fix the freezing issues that have plagued the Linux release for way too long more | digg story

iPhone coming to UK with O2

iPhone will debut in the UK on November 9 with the mobile phone operator O2 with handsets costing £269 (inc VAT) for the 8GB version. Tariffs will be available from O2 starting at £ more | digg story

SCO long and thanks for all the fish

SCO Group, best known for suing IBM about Linux, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This was widely predicted even during the failed IBM law suit, but the timing as left some surprised as many expected SCO to run out of cash at the beginning of this more | digg story

Google Page Rank and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

There is trouble in Google Land… Things are afoot, the Google tool bar page rank hasn’t been updated for months. Several big directories are finding their position in Google wobbling, site positions on the results page are bouncing up and down and there is talk that Google will remove the public page rank information displayed […]