Muslim Candidate Kills Christian Voter For Refusing To Vote For Him – Worthy News

Muslim Candidate Kills Christian Voter For Refusing To Vote For Him:

OKARA, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife) — Widow Zeenat Javed was still awaiting justice Sunday, August 10, four months after her Christian husband was killed for refusing to vote for a Muslim candidate in elections in Pakistan’s Punjab province.

Javed said her Christian husband, Javed Masih, was killed in April when supporters of a Muslim candidate for the Punjab Aseembly, identified as Mohammad Abdul Sattar, opened fire on Christians who apparently refused to vote for him.

“Abdul Sattar came to Christian Village on April 10th, 2008, with his gang and opened fire on Christians who didn’t vote for him in the Joint Election System,” under which Muslims support Christians and Christians back Muslim politicians, said rights group Christian Youth Fellowship-Pakistan CYF.

“Javed Masih died on spot by firing, while [fellow Christian] Irshaad Masih was seriously injured,” the group said in a statement to BosNewsLife.
