Saudi Arabia: Muslim Father Kills Daughter for Converting to Christianity – Worthy News

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Saudi Arabian man cut out the tongue of his daughter and burned her to death after finding out that she had converted to Christianity. The girl came to know about Jesus Christ through the internet, according to Gulf News. Her […]

Winnie-the-Pooh held for robbery?

Japanese police have arrested a 20-year-old man who attacked and robbed two people after they stared at his Winnie-the-Pooh costume, officials said on Tuesday. Masayuki Ishikawa was hanging out on a Tokyo street corner after midnight last month while wearing the cuddly costume, accompanied by two friends dressed as a mouse and a panther, when […]

The Mac Cool Factor

John Martellaro of MacObserver writes, “Linux just doesn’t have the cool factor to make switching worth the risk, but the Mac does. That’s why Linux works in the enterprise where cheap and boring is okay, but not with consumers who have come to expect more.” Yes, it may be less expensive to install Linux in […]

10 Coolest Devices Running Linux (Updated!)

As you all probably know Linux is not limited to just desktops. It’s far reaching, actually. Not that you’d have a Terminal app on it or anything, but you could. Some of you may have a mobile phone running Linux and you probably don’t even know it. The most popular phone in the world runs […]

Messianic leaders say Hebrew tablet validates Jesus’ claims

Israeli Jewish believers in Jesus say the recently publicized Hebrew tablet describing the death and resurrection of a messianic figure challenges centuries of teachings by rabbinic Judaism that the redemptive process of Jesus was a departure from biblical Jewish understanding, according to a story carried on The story says that the unique stone tablet […]

Muslim Candidate Kills Christian Voter For Refusing To Vote For Him – Worthy News

Muslim Candidate Kills Christian Voter For Refusing To Vote For Him: OKARA, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife) — Widow Zeenat Javed was still awaiting justice Sunday, August 10, four months after her Christian husband was killed for refusing to vote for a Muslim candidate in elections in Pakistan’s Punjab province. Javed said her Christian husband, Javed Masih, was […]

RAID 5 video on YouTube

Following the launch of I have created a tutorial video about configuring RAID 5 on FreeNAS. I have also uploaded it to YouTube: Thanks, Gary Launched

Hi, To coincide with the release of my “Learning FreeNAS” book I have started a new website It is a one stop site for tips, articles, tutorials and videos about FreeNAS the Open Source Network Attached Storage OS. Go visit it!!! Please!!! Gary