Sleeping bulldozers

First there was cow tiping, then (thanks for the Pixar movie Cars) there was tracor tiping… Well here is a bulldozer that was tipped!

How to make money running your own web directory

According to Wikipedia a web directory is a directory on the World Wide Web that specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web directories often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion. Editors review submissions for fitness. Probably the most famous web directories are Yahoo and and rightly […]

Weird News Site:

I have just launched my new weird and odd news site: Its main focus is on odd news and news to make you laugh but you can also find some serious news there as well along with a special section on technology news. Enjoy!

Alternative Open Directory Project

There is a new web site called the Alternative Open Directory Project which looks like they want to take on DMOZ/ODP. The site is fairly spartan at the moment but they do say “There have been attempts to create comprehensive human-reviewed directories before, but they have all failed…. The Alternative Open Directory Project will pick […]

Freed Linux criminal told to install Windows on his PC

Scott McCausland, a Linux Ubuntu user who was jailed in 2006 for two copyright-related charges, has been told by his probation officer that he will need to install Windows on his PC if he wants to use it during his probation more | digg story

10 Commandments For New sidux Users

Jurgen, a member of the Hi-Tech Squad has found a good (and at times amusing) list of 10 commandments for new sidux (a flavor of Linux) users. Many of the items are just as applicable to any version of Linux!read more | digg story

I’m a Mac, some UK special versions

Following the post on the Jap Mac advert there are a few UK ones which seem unique to the UK as I haven’t seen them on the Apple US site. Art Language MS Office Posse Magic Cool!

Jap version of I’m a Mac, I’m a PC

I’m a great fan of the Apple adverts commonly known as “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” in which two actors play a Mac and PC and they discuss the relative merits of either platform… Being as they are adverts made by Apple the Mac tends to come out better… Anyway I just found some […]

Straw towers

For “fun and games” part of the youth meeting last night I ran a competition… Who can build the tallest drinking straw tower. The boys won but I think the girls had a better structure. Sorry about the poor quality, I took these on my mobile phone.